
冨嶽両界峯入修行有志 各位
皆様には益々ご清祥の事とお喜び申し上げます。 また、平素より当会護持発展の為ご尽力賜り心より御礼申し上げます。 さて、早速ですが、本年も「冨嶽両界峯入修行」を下記の予定にて執り行いたくご案内申し上げます。 法務等ご多忙の折とは存じますが、お繰り合わせの上、ご参加の程宜しくお願い申し上げます。残暑厳しい毎日ですが、くれぐれもご自愛下さいますようご祈念申し上げます。
To people willing to participate in “Fugaku Ryokai Mineiri Shugyo”
We appreciate your visiting to this web-page. Also, we cannot appreciate enough for your cooperation and contribution to our development and retention of this historical shugyo.
By the way, it is such a pleasure to announce our upcoming “Fugaku Ryokai Mineiri Shugyo” of this year. The detailed information is written below. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us. The contact is written at the bottom of this page. We wish you all the best of health.
令和元年度 『冨嶽両界峯入修行』富士山修行のご案内です。
記 【令和元年度 大和修験會 冨嶽両界峯入修行】
◆日 時 10月3日(木)~10月6日(日)
◆集合場所 10月3日(木)午前7時 JR新富士駅 集合
◆会 費 50.000円 (保険、飲食代金含む)
◆服 装 鈴懸もしくは作務衣
◆準 備
“Yamato Shugen-kai, Fugaku Ryokai Mineiri Shugyo” in 2019
Date: 3rd October (Thur) to 6th October (Sun)
The meeting-place and time: JR Shin Fuji Station at 7 am, 3rd October
Participation Fee: 50,000 JPY
Clothes: 鈴懸(Suzukake) or作務衣(Samue) (Japanese Zen Buddhist monks’ clothing)
Things to be prepared: 念珠(Nen ju)・袈裟(Kesa)・杖(Cane)・笠(Kasa hat)・白衣(Byakue)・地下足袋防寒着(Down Jacket, Long sleeve shirt, Spats and other things to protect you from a coldness) ・手袋(Gloves)・雨具(Rain Wear except Poncho) ・携帯トイレ(Portable toilet) Bento, snacks and drinking water will be provided here.
《行 程》
〔1日目〕 午前7時 JR新富士駅集合→富士市田子の浦、鈴川海岸にて水垢離 午前8時出発→吉原商店街店頭ご祈祷修行→日吉浅間神社峰中安全祈願→興法寺大日堂勤行→村山ジャンボ宿泊 午後7時到着
〔2日目〕 午前5時 大日堂出発→村山古道→富士山富士宮口新六合目 宝永山荘宿泊 午後5時到着
〔3日目〕 午前4時 宝永山荘出発→富士山頂剣ヶ峰(ここから山梨県側へ下山する為両界峯入と云う)→六合目里見平 星観荘宿泊 午後6時到着
〔4日目〕 午前4時 星観荘出発→青木ヶ原樹海→富嶽風穴→洞窟新客修行→精進湖→午後1時半解散→JR富士駅・新幹線新富士駅まで送迎
(The First Day) Meet at JR Shin Fuji Station, 7 am → Cold-water ablutions at Tagono Ura Shore, Fuji city → Depart at 8 am → Pray at Yoshiwara Malls → Pray for the safety at Hiyoshi Sengen Shrine → Gon-gyo(religious service) at Ko-bo Temple → Stay at Murayama Jumbo
(The Second Day) Depart from Dai-nichi do at 5 am → Stay at Houei Sansou, Fuji Miyanoguchi New Sixth Station, Mt. Fuji
(The Third Day) Depart from Houei Sansou at 4 am → Ken-ga-mine, the top of Mt. Fuji (It is called “Ryo-kai Mine Iri” because of we start climbing down here to Yamanashi Prefecture) → Stay at Sei-kan Sou ,the six station, 6 pm
(The Fourth Day) Depart from Sei-kan Sou at 4 am → The forest of Aoki-ga-hara → Fugaku Fuketsu → Shugyo at the cave → Arrive at Sho-ji Lake →Dismiss at 1:30 pm →Shuttle to JR Fuji Station / Shinkansen Shin-Fuji Station(The end of “Yamato Shugen-do, Fugaku Ryukai Mineiri Shugyo”)

– What is” Yamato Shugen-kai”?
Yamato Shugen-kai is a community of not only religious but receptive people who aim to make efforts for becoming a guidance of other people’s lives through a road of Buddhism mastery.
大和修験會は、平成23年度より、各宗派僧侶・神職・一般修行者等のご参加にて富士山峯入り修行を毎年開催しています。 静岡県田子の浦海岸海抜0mから富士山頂を経て山梨県側へ下り、青木ヶ原樹海を抜け精進湖までの行程を行脚する為、これを冨嶽両界峯入修行と云います。
– What is “Fugaku Ryokai Mineiri Shugyo”?
Yamato Shugen-kai holds an annual Shugyo, “Mt. Fuji Mineiri Shugyo” with participation of Buddhists, Priests, and the general public from 2011. Why it’s called “Fugaku Ryokai Mineiri Shugyo” is that we start walking from 0m above sea level at the shore of Tagono-ura, Shizuoka prefecture through the top of Mt. Fuji, near Yamanashi prefecture, Aokigahara forest to Shoji Lake.